Esther 4:

4. So Esther’s maids and her chamberlain came and told it her. Then was the queen exceedingly grieved, and she sent raiment to clothe Mordecai, and to take away his sackcloth from him but he received it not

5. Then called Esther for Hatach, one of the king’s chamberlains, whom he had appointed to attend upon her, and gave him a commandment to Mordecai, to know what it was, and why it was.

6. So Hatach went forth to Mordecai unto the street of the city, which was before the king’s gate.

7. And Mordecai told him had happened unto him, and of the sum of money that Haman had to pay the king’s treasuries for the Jews, to destroy them

8. Also he gave him the copy of the writing of the decree that was given at Shushan, to destroy them, to show it unto Esther, and to declare it unto her, and to charge her to go in unto the king, to make application unto him, and to make request before him for the people

9. And Hatach came and told Esther the words of Mordecai

From Beyond the Walls of Security

The perplexity of the Jews prepared for destruction was deepening. It’s a grounding slow impalement. The whole world was in uproar yet beyond the secured life of the palace in Shushan, hardly was there an awareness of the decree of destruction: Esther didn’t hear anything and saw anything! Then report reached her that the nephew of her father who raised her up was outside the gate of the palace, in rags and ashes. In the secluded life beyond the walls, this spectacle was an affront, a shame and pure disgrace that couldn’t be identified with. Esther sent proper cloth to Mordecai. He refused it. This was a matter of threatening genocide not dress. Perplexed, Esther sent her king-given chamberlain to go outside, beyond the walls and get “to know what it was and why it was.” Two questions needing urgent answers: the what and the why. The what is that before the year runs out, all Jews are to enjoy mass burial after mass killings and money or budget has been earmarked for this; the why is that one man is simply mad with the Jews and hate their face. Further still, he (Mordecai) gives Hatach, for the purpose of passing on to Esther, a copy of the written decree calling for open and state-planned pogrom.  This is dutifully delivered to Esther.

It is easy to be shut away from pains and the terrible situations of the brethren if we are far away from them, secluded and elevated beyond experiencing pains. It is easy to see that we are what we are because of our great faith that has moved the hand of God on our behalf; and it’s easy to assume that the others are in the way of harm because of their lack of faith. We easy come to the throne to judge and, oh mheen, our judgement is just. The Lord is the true judge, though. He’s the Lord, the master and unto him we stand or fall. Yet, he’s able to make his servants stand. Our assessment of another’s faith is additional burden. This insensitivity is flagrantly on display among the pentecostal and charismatic brethren. Yet, many times we have been found to be wrong; more often than not, we are only enjoying the grace of God that doesn’t usually lend itself to explanation.

Esther now knows. The news has at last penetrated the stone walls of Shushan palace. If the palace had been perceiving enough, it should have been the first recipient of the breaking news of such obnoxious decree for it was minted in it.

But Mordecai gets to know of it before Esther, cocooned in the palace, out of the reach of any evil. It’s good to know that there’s no all sweeping event or small with God. Esther is in the palace not for herself but for God. Mordecai is in the gate of Shushan not for himself but for God. Wherever we find ourselves, we stand for God. We can achieve God here and we can achieve Him there as long as we remain in our individual place of call.

Lord, why am I here in this place at this hour? Why am I in this city, in this elevated and coveted height? Why am I in this village, this low estate of life in spite  of my efforts to rise above the humble situation. David said, Is there not a cause?(1Samuel 17:29). The cause of a thing is always known only to those who looks for the heart of God in every situation – even in perplexity! It’s easy to believe that I have missed the Lord; the cause of why I’m going through the hardest of existence. Perhaps, yes. But this slight deviation is a robust raw material in the hand of God to weave the best of glory. Yes, deep down in my heart, I can hear the Holy Spirit telling my spirit that I should quit my mawkish thoughts and come alive to believing God to the end of time. Lord, I must seek to accept that Your heart has a purpose in allowing me to come to this situation. I need to acquire this kind of heart that is first Christ’s.

Thank You Lord