The Law of Life

Esther 7:

1. So the king and Haman came to banquet with Esther the queen

2.And the king said again unto Esther on the second day of the banquet of wine, What is thy petition, queen Esther? And it shall be granted to thee: and what is thy request? And it shall be performed, even to half of the kingdom

This is the second day which the Holy One has arranged; it’s the day of wisdom. The Jews have had no relief from the fear of the coming doom cast upon the earth. Esther did promise previously that she would only speak on this second day. Now on this second day Esther’s banquet with Haman and king Ahasuerus, the king, as many will do, waxes poetic, using Hebrew poetic device of parallelism, asks the queen to state her request.

Now is the moment truth must walk out of the enclosure. Here is the king; here’s the queen; here’s Haman – and some chamberlains often allowed into state functions. Permitted to speak, the queen begins: “If I have found favour in thy sight, O king, and if it please the king,let my life be given me at my petition, and my people at my request.” For clarity, she continues:

“For we are sold, I and and my people, to be destroyed, to be slain, and to perish.,…” The king asks whoever had that thought. The queen:

“The adversary and the enemy is this wicked Haman.” Fear grips Haman as the planned genocide against Jews simultaneously strikes both minds – that of the king and Haman. The king must be realizing for the first time the nation of his queen and, though in fear, all grey areas are now becoming clear to Haman – in a flash! The king becomes furious and leaves the table and walks into the palace garden. Haman perceives that evil is about to break out from the king to him  In his attempt to rise to appeal to the queen to save his life, he falls across on the bed Esther is sitting on. Into this scene, the King walks back into as he returns. The king is stirred into greater fury, believing that Haman, truly depraved and insane, is about to rape or molest his queen right there in his presence. The king gives an exasperated exclamation! This exclamation is no sooner out of the lips when Haman is seized up and covered. One of the chamberlains gives information to the king on the gallows prepared previous day by Haman for Mordecai.

Then the king said, Hang him thereon. There comes the end of Haman in a matter of few days after the Lord stepped in. Haman’s property is turned to Mordecai. The king has meanwhile removed his ring from Haman and turned it over to the same Mordecai; Mordecai takes over all that was Haman’s. Esther is not yet through. She is aware of  the irrevocable nature of Persian law: it’s cast iron when enacted; it doesn’t turn back. Esther seeks and receives the face and favour of the king again. She pleads: let it be written to reverse the letters devised by Haman…. which he wrote to destroy the Jews which are all in the king’s provinces.,.. (Esther 8:5)  The king grants the request of the queen: Write ye also for the Jews, as it liketh you, in the king’s name and sealed with the king’s ring, may no man reverse (Esther 8:8). The king’s scribes are called in by Mordecai to write the new decree and is sent and dispatched throughout the empire. This is the third month of the year.

This edict “granted the Jews in every city the right to assemble and protect and protect themselves; to destroy, kill and annihilate any force of any nationality or province that might attack them and their women and children and to plunder the property of their enemies.” This is to be carried out on the 13th day of the twelfth month of the year.

At creation, man committed the sin of treasonable felony, precipitating the law of sin and death. This was the law of unrighteousness, the law of decay, the law of corruption. God introduced a counteracting principle or the Law by which man could attain to righteousness and gain the life of God. Sin penetrated the core of man through the flesh and the Law was ineffective. “What the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh…”(Romans 8:3). This strength of sin in the flesh which defeated life and grew death is called corruption. Man desired to obey the law and gain life but the law was weak through flesh. Apostle Paul witnesses: “I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me. For I delight in the law of God after the inward man. But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members” (Romans 7:21-23).

The law waw discarded and another, initiated by Lord Jesus Christ, written with His blood, His very life. This law is written in the inner man, in the heart of man. This is the counter force called the law of spirit of life in Christ Jesus. This makes any man who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ to be here on earth and yet raised with the Lord into the heavenly realm of Christ where the sin nature is being destroyed. The Law of Moses introduced to counter corruption was a pall of death because it’s spiritual and man is carnal, fleshly and couldn’t operate in the spirit. Now, the law of spirit of life in Christ JJesus…ensures that the believer has a firm, victorious ground of justification by the blood of Jesus to fight back and gain life. “For when we were in the flesh, the motions of sins, which were by the law, did work to bring forth fruit unto death (Romans 7:5)

The sentence of death was passed over me. I was excluded from the life of God, from the presence of God. Then came the law of salvation, written with the blood of Jesus. There’s now no condemnation to me as there’s no condemnation to the Jews in king Ahasuerus’ empire. I’m in Christ Jesus and operate the law of the spirit of life in Him. This law has set me free from the law of sin and death (8:1-3).

The law of death, of Haman, against the Jews has been passed; the error has been discovered and there’s a need to correct it. The error has been discovered through the instrumentality of Mordecai and is being corrected by Esther. The law of death preceded the law of life having been set into motion long before the latter; the law of death is bent on running its course; the law of life in Christ Jesus on firmer and victorious ground is set to offset death and sin!

Wherein the king granted the Jew which were in every city to gather themselves themselves together and to stand for their life…. I have to stand for my life….this is corporate standing and I must gather with all saints to fight for this life that has been given by the Lord Jesus.

Thank you Lord