The Shadow of Christ’s Greatness

Esther 8:

15. Mordecai left the king’s presence wearing royal garments of blue and white, a large crown of gold and purple robe of fine linen. And the city of Susa held a joyous celebration

16. For the Jews it was a time of happiness and joy, gladness and honour

17. In every province and in every city, wherever the edict of the king went, there was joy and gladness among the Jews, with feasting and celebrating. And many people of other nations became Jews because fear of the Jews had seized them

Haman’s bubble bursts in the third month of the year of planned holocaust against the Jews – after the evil plan of the man has been detected and his edict of destruction countered by another edict also sent and couriered through the provinces and cities. It’s a scheme pursued relentlessly by Mordecai, the Prime Minister, nay, the Chiefest Prince, adorned in pure Majesty and Royalty!

The colours of his garment and adorning of authority have metaphoric meanings. Blue is heavenly. This is significant; it’s the throne of the great King! White signifies the nature of the King – sanctified. Great crown of gold is the Creator Himself! Gold represents God and crown means victory. This is God’s own victory! Fine linen is the righteous acts. The total picture is that of unmatchable Royalty and Separation.

Once upon a time this Mordecai was in the king’s gate. When he’d served his purpose at the gate, the very lowest place, he received divine elevation. Jesus Christ, when he’d served His purpose, learnt what it meant to be obedient to God’s heart beat in a fallen world, he was elevated – He, as the head of the church; all the members of His body. The corporate Jesus Christ occupies that space in the godhead! Not any powerful or beautiful heavenly being; it’s the Man Jesus. But about the Son he says, Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever, and righteousness will be the sceptre of your kingdom. You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness; therefore God, your God, has set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of joy. Jesus the Son of God referred; His companions are the saints, the believers in Him. And the kingdom of sceptre of righteousness with the inherent joy or gladness didn’t take place until after His sufferings. After His death, Christ arose to sit at the right hand of majesty on high – where he’s and will return to His last assignment. He’s divine in nature; he’s heavenly; and he’s the righteous One.

In the Persian kingdom of Ahasuerus, the Jews “had light, and gladness, and joy, and honour.” Their citizenship has dawned; they’re no more just people that can be put aside. They’ve assumed the place of authority. Out there in the world, they say power has changed hand. Here, they labour and sweat for this power and honour and glory. But this one of the Lord is a provision by the head of the race. Here too, my years of observation of things has taught me that there are beings, spirits that teach man for the purpose of followership. These beings have some esoteric secrets that can only be accessed only by their adepts, their pupils. The pupils know how to call their lords to help them obtain the earthly kingdom, the joy of the present earth. Here again, these super-achievers are honoured round the earth, admired, praised and are role models – their way of thinking becomes the way of thinking of the world; their smiles bewitch the earthlings; they are authorities. The way they do things and tastes and dressing become standards for the world. They’re the makers and shakers of life; they’re the mighty ones. But then, a swap of place on the day Mordecai comes to the throne, there’s a cataclysmic fall in the other kingdom; everyone wants to belong to the new dawning kingdom. The kingdom of the saints is here in Christ Jesus as they (the saints) bring, by faith, the heavenly to bear on the earth; but their world is not yet here. Then, when their kingdom is in the world, men would wish they had identified with them, the rulers, with their King, in the present.

At the point of His departure, Jesus made it clear that His kingdom wasn’t of this world, this present order of things. At the dawn of the heavenly kingdom, Allelujah chorus rends the earth; the King has come. ….. Alleluia: salvation, and glory, and honour, and power, unto the Lord our God….. And again, they said, Alleluia….. Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him….

Where this man is, joy and gladness of heart: there’s anticipation of victory which has been won for all by Him. He’s an indescribable personage, the type that doesn’t fit into human expressions in words. The Lord has come to this position at the Majesty on high. Yet we’re in the skirmishes…the battle is yet to be joined. Even before then the victory has already been won. The leader is clad in Royalty, His appearances are fierce and, on occasion, unnerving. He’s a terror to the earthly mindedly, the dwellers on earth but tender to the heavenly, the dwellers in heaven, the minders of the things of heaven. He’s given the Church the victory and she fights from the vantage point of the dwellers on the heights and the realm inaccessible to those not of His tribes.

Thank you Lord