Random thoughts

We’re in the season called Easter. My thoughts are loaded concerning this and more. I hardly know why the day is called Easter; I’m not that deep theologically. However, another bible translation I consulted has helped me out. It calls it the feast of unleavened bread (Acts 12:4). This is the feast held starting from the 14th day of the month spilling over to pasca or the Passover feast. The Jewish religious calendar actually begins in March-April. The feast of unleavened bread comes before Passover which is atonement. So, the Lord’s death as the offering of the Lamb that takes the sin of the whole world away was calculated to the divine degree of accuracy; it’s just the time of Jew Passover that the Lord Jesus went to the cross, the pasca for the whole world – the age that was, the age to come and the age that is. The Lord’s statement on the cross, it is finished, is loaded with profound depth of meaning yet unfathomed though man has been on this subject for over two thousand years.

God has been at the loom, weaving the future. Eternal Life that God is means a kind of life or a character of life that is God’s. Let me play it around a bit for my finite mind to grasp. God is now! The past and future are present with him NOW.  I’ll take a fragment from the bible and try to fit it in and see whether I can understand what eternal life is: According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love ( Ephesians 1:4). Before God set those petrified rocks in place, before he set the compass on the deep, before he commanded the light to appear…he was at the loom, shaping the future, choosing some people in Christ Jesus to be holy and blameless in his presence…. this is redemption, this is salvation. I need to tell my mind again to understand the depth of this meaning. Let’s see whether I can plumb a fraction of the depth.

Man rebelled against divine instruction to rely on God in life. This rebellion which took place in the garden of Eden was so blatant that death had the opportunity to step in and become the lord of man (Roman 5:14). But even before then the Creator had been at the loom weaving the future. I’ll never know why God went ahead to create man as he knew that man would bungle it. So I can never be the right person to answer that question. What I’m grappling with now is that God, before the garden incidence, already chose a peculiar people (who were inexistent then) in Christ Jesus to himself! Well, I’ll not be out of place if I say that I’m grateful that I’m in this crowd and have been there aeon time ago before I became! So, let me pause and say thank you Lord for this inclusion in Christ Jesus and the death of the cross.

Even the devil, the archenemy, is not les baffled. He certainly believed, at the instance of man falling into his trap in the garden, that he had God and man where he wanted them. But he failed to consider that he was dealing with God who clothes himself in mystery. One of Satan’s cohorts started to dither with fear when God prophesied, “And I will put an enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shall bruise his heel (Genesis 3:15). And, (this story is from a source outside of the bible, please ), God’s enemy turned to his follower, “What can this one do? (referring to the fallen man). This one that we’ve conquered, this whimpering little thing between our fingers! Forget it, this is one statement of God that can never come to pass.”

Yet, God’s prophesy was at the loom weaving the future to Christ, to the body of Christ before and after Christ! God assured the enemy that, the enemy, would be defeated by man (man fell and man will rise) and not by God for it’d be injustice on the part of God to defeat Satan for man; it’s man that should defeat the devil. Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgements, and his path beyond tracing out!(Romans 11:33). The almighty was there at the loom weaving the future, this present!

No one can put a tag on God and predict him. When a man begins to have a concatenation of unbroken frustrations and failures. He’s likely to conclude, like Naomi, that God’s hand is out against him. What of if I tell you that you might be wrong. The story of Ruth is a rude shock in the bible to orthodox Jews. Ruth, a member of rejected race, like me, like Rehab, was factored into the lineage of Christ, the Lord. This is the doing of God. It is marvellous in our eyes

Thank you, Lord