Genesis 1:

1. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

2. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

Raison’detre. Why am I? My search continued. Why did God create the heaven and the earth? Ostensibly because of man. In time, the exigency of life took its tolls and made me forget momentarily my search for the purpose of existence as I began to encounter certain men in course of my studies in schools. Think about them: Shakespeare, Isaac Newton, Einstein, Fermi, Max Planck, Awojobi, Plato, Aristotle, Nietzsche…. Men who didn’t only add glamour to this world but created civilisations which still remain to guide mankind to loftier heights and make life meaningful. Life meaningful? For a time, there was a relief from the rack torture of finding meaning to life. It was for a moment

.            Reigning with Christ 

One top joy of being a christian is that we shall reign with Christ. Yet, it is a truth that doesnt get me excited. I simply knew that there was more to life than being a king for whom all others stood in referential awe. Kings? Unless they have some other form of expression, they are not the answer to why man is! Reigning or being a ruler hasn’t answered my question. Created to reign? Over who? For of necessity, there must also be lesser being to lord it over.

Going to Heaven

Going to heaven to be with God forever wasn’t satisfying, either. Even the christians are less concerned about that as, in their delirium, they crave and primarily pray for the present; they long for those palpable material things created by the amazing minds of scientists, artists, artistes, thinkers…all which serve as Lethe to forget the tedious question of the reason for being. Most devouts define glory not with the unit of the realm unseen but with what people can obtain from serving God – all Ifa oracle is capable of glorifying his devoutees with: the blessing of wealth as in possessing abundance of money, blessing of having children and blessing of good health. The christian adherents on the other hand tell you to seek first the kingdom of God and that all the other things, all Ifa oracle blessings will be additional glory. Either way, what we have here are things man comes into or live for because he is in the world or because he is of human race but still begs the question of why is the life of man or  why there should be a human race.

The Cycle of Life 

The cycle of life also fails to let me have insight into the reason for being, the raison’detre. The major definitive cycle of life (which is the defining path of faith for most believers in Christ) is to be born here on earth, be Born Again – (become an eni aye ye or eni aye se – one, and not both). So, man is here to be glorified which means all the enumerated blessings (eni aye ye) or be of less status than the glorified (eni aye se)! Wow! The glorified in this cycle of life grows up to be matured, is trained in a skill, marry, have a blessing of a house or home and all gadgets that make life less stressful, have children, grow some more to old age to see grandchildren to whatever generation, prepare to and then, die. The children have already started the next cycle and the next cycle and the next…. Tensions resonate through each stage of the cycle. For example, a woman who is going thirty years of age in the cycle, and not yet paired with a male for marriage, becomes afraid, visiting mountain tops to pray. Her concerned parents will run shooting blood pressure, too; then there could begin another tension if, after marriage, the woman fails to give birth to a baby in less than a year. Eliphaz of Job in the Bible observes, Yet man is born unto trouble, as sparks fly upward (5:7) and Job himself says, Man that is born of a woman is of few days, and full of trouble (14:1). I confess that these troubles are so engaging that you easily forget to ask such lofty question as why am here?

Lord, it’s enough to know that I’m


Thank You, Lord