Genesis 1:

1. In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.

And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

And God said, Let there be light and was light 

There is much more to God’s creation of the heaven and the earth for man than for him to just exist, live, populate the earth, invent and enjoy different forms of civilisation, which in turn makes a devotee out of man, ever to God’s assistance in obtaining the creme de la creme of his inventions. In this generation, this assumed reason for existence is busting at the seam in the face of what looks, perhaps, the golden age of man’s inventive mind: self propelling, cerebral development and great information and knowledge attained.

Somewhere in the world, there’s the doctrine of reincarnation. This is behind the belief of most Africans. A man, says this doctrine, lives, dies, returns again to death, perhaps, and is born to attain glory which he has failed to attain before. Some people are poor today because they were rich in their previous existence; some servants,today, because in their previous existence, they were kind of lords.

But there is another variation of this in another clime. It seems to advance the doctrine further. In this case, a man is born returns to continue his unfinished symphony of existence in the previous existence. This may take series of births and reincarnations before this assignment can be accomplished. There after, the individual goes to the next attainment of life in another plane of existence, goes through this cycle and is promoted to another plane…. another plane in aeon of his reincarnation period….until, in some plane, he attains unto Nirvana, a merging with the supreme reality of being, an indescribable state of joy of existence.

So, I ask myself, man is born to do several reincarnations and to become one with God? Budding out of this thought is the idea of enlightenment when man’s mind is suddenly illuminated. From the state of enlightenment, there’s express access to Nirvana or becoming a manifest god or an avatar. The question again: man is in existence to find and take the middle path of enlightenment and entering into Nirvana?

Why am I? It’s said that God sends individual into the world to accomplish a purpose for him. This is a doctrine peculiar to christians. The purpose in the equation is preaching the gospel. The more the number of crowds preached to, the greater the glory. Today, this doctrine is a greater design than it used to be as many are hasting into the course. It’s one sure way of attaining the status of the renown on earth. Distress sets in any man who fails to attain that status.

I decided to search the bible for answer. Why am I? Why, really, am I on this planet and not planning to get out soon? This first chapter and its verses ring loud: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light and there was light.


Lord, we wait on You for Your light to reveal Your heart to us at this time.

Thank You, Lord.