The delirious activities of man, his constant motions and demotions, the whirling gyrations of his mind and the several civilisations he evolved and he’s still evolving have one purpose in view, albeit, he doesn’t know it: destiny. And what is destiny? Eternal Life is destiny; destiny is eternal life.

The stories of Life begin from the Book of the Beginning of Life, Genesis, and end in the Book of Consummation of Life, Revelation. The Bible is one library of books gifted by God to man. It guides inerrantly to destiny

Beginning of the march to destiny 

Genesis 1:

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth

And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of the God was upon the face of the waters.

In the creation stories, two entities were mentioned: God and the spirit of God

In the beginning, God created... We need to pause to ask: Where was God before His creative activities, before time and space; before manifestation of materials, before the galaxies came into existence, “before the mountains were brought forth”? Before the scientists began to speak of the “great bang”? There was God and He was in Himself. And there was the spirit of God. There is no beginning to God; He has always been. He is acknowledged as the first cause.

  The Beginning before the beginning 

John 1:1-3

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

The same was in the beginning with God

All things were made by him; and without him was anything made that was made.

This beginning predated the former beginning. This speaks of a beginning before the beginning of time, before the beginning of material existence, before the space and time began. This is the beginning of the Eternal, what some poetically dub as the timeless time zone. Two entities are here mentioned here also: God and the Word.


.                        The Godhead

Here then are what makes the godhead: God, the Word (who in later ages became Jesus Christ) and the spirit of God (later to be known as the Holy Spirit). This is the eternal; this is the beginningless Creator; he who created and was not created

Man, the reason for Creation

Man was the reason for the fever-pitch activities of creation by God. The Spirit of God was first of all reacting to the formless and void situation of the beginning. The calling forth of light to take over darkness, the order of the sky to separate from the expanse of waters, the land and the sea, and the land to support vegetation and animal lives, and so on (Genesis 1:1-25) were done for one sole purpose: a home for man. And God said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness…let them have dominion over…..the earth (Genesis 1:26). The earth is the centre of spiritual gravitation of all creations: the planets and the clusters of planets and the galaxies, awesome and eerie they are, were put in space to keep the esrth, the home of man, in orbit.

The Image and Likeness of God

The image and likeness of God is the destiny of man. What makes God Who he is is the goal of man. God is eternal, and so man is to be eternal. Man is the display of God. A father of the faith designated man as God’s viceroy on esrth. The likeness of God as the destiny of man is eternal life. Eternal Life doesn’t solely mean perpetuity of life, though it is part of it; but it is life that is akin to God’s own life. For instance, there is the life of animal and such creations as animals live within the scope of what defines the creature. The life of God, the eternal life, defines God. This is the goal of man on planet earth. The early Yoruba educationist, Pa J.F. Odunjo, in one of his Yoruba primers told of animals who , in their goal, wanted to upgrade to human life. Just as good, man is supposed to upgrade to God’s life, the eternal. For this purpose he was created; for this purpose he lives

The Eternal Purpose in Creation

In the beginning was the Word…..

All things were made by him; and without him was anything made that was made 

This was the beginning before beginning and the Eternal, God, who is the Word, with God, crossed into time and space by creating them, for the purpose of heading everything in the Word, who is God. According to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus (the Word turned man) (Ephesians 3:11). Paul writes in another place, For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones or dominion or principalities, or powers, all things were created by him (Jesus Christ, God eternal in form of man), and for him: And he is before all things, and in him all things consist (Colosians 1:16-17). The Word who became man Jesus Christ is the binding glue of life; in him all things consist – all things cohere, all things hold together

Christ was and is the purpose of of the beginning of “the Word who was with God…” The Word later manifested as Jesus Christ. He is coeternal with God. It is that man might become coeternal with him that he was created to have dominion…over the earth.


Thank You Lord, the Eternal, who desires us to inherit and share His life. Even when we missed this destiny, You made a huge sacrifice of Yourself to set us back to march towards destiny. Our faith set on You, who save to the uttermost

Thank You, Lord