We are continuing with our meditation on life’s destiny of man or, if you like, his raison’detre. Creation can only but be seen through the One who created it and subjected it in hope.

And God said, Let us make man in our own image, after our likeness (Gen  1:26)

And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul (Gen 2:7)

This is the book of the generation of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made him; male and female created he them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created (Gen.5:1-2)

When God created man, he didn’t create him imperfect; he didn’t create him perfect, either. God didn’t create him mortal nor immortal. Man waw to inch his way to Immortality and perfection through fellowshipping with the Godhead; it’s a goal to attain. God created him, breathed into him and the man became a living soul. He was not THE fully formed MANHOOD. Yet, he was described as the son of God: Adam, which was the son of God (Lk 3:38).  The man had the destiny of becoming the son of God; it’s to be a journey. This brings us to the question of who a son is.

Who is a son?

Son, from the view and mind of God, is the full expression of the vision and thought of God. He’s the person through whom God speaks, who expresses the image, the being or nature of the invisible God; he displays God’s weighty splendour. In him, God lives and acts out His character. Son is the sum total thought of God in creation. It means that if you meet this son of God, he’s the one indwelt by God, speaking the very heart of God; he’s the very expression of God in reality. Hath in these last days spoken to us by his son….(Heb. 1:2)

This is a hidden mystery from the foundation of the world which angels, prophets, devout men tried hard to pry open. But it was kept secure from the foundation of the world and is just being revealed to God’s prophets and apostles of the New Testament. ….which things the angels desire to look into. Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now being revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit (1Pet.1:12; Eph.3:5).

Adam or man at creation was a type of Him Who was to come: the SonAdam was a type (prefigure) of the One Who was to come…..(Rom.5:14 ff, Amplified).

It’s easy to see that Son was the heart of the Father in creation; Christ was it. And God is realising the plan in the Lord Jesus right now

Father thank You immensely for Your wisdom in creation, Your eternal plan which is invincible – which is being revealed. The Lord Jesus Christ made a success of it, SONSHIP; we stand on this most sure ground and speak in faith that we’ll not be less than Him. Amen.

Thank You Lord