Genesis 3:7
And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked;….
We’re still pursuing the subject of what it means to be “naked.” If a psychopath walks (and this is a fact well known to average African) naked into market, that’s the end to the doubt of his sanity. It’s believed that the patient can’t be normal again or be cured. Total darkness has come to settle on his mind. This was the situation in the early glorious light of the gospel of Christ in this part of the world, when a young man or woman voted for Christ Jesus, the parents of such individual went into crisis, believing their ward had lost his mind. Persecutions would begin, but they didn’t reckon with the power from above that shielded the decision for Christ. It’s hard to pull these believers back from their commitment. They knew what it meant to be stripped naked to Christ. Thank God for today, people now readily identify with Christ; christianity is now one huge organisation that most people are eager to identify with. The crushing persecutions are no more physical but spiritual. Many devoted individuals experience head-on collisions with spiritual wickedness and the turns of life pathways are devious and rugged. Good and legal life pursuits of many are abhorted while, for others, these conflicts may be very subtle indeed.