Genesis 3:7

And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.

The couple in the garden of Eden had been naked before now and, says the scripture, were not ashamed or embarrassed in the presence of each other. They didn’t know they had any need until they broke from their wedlock to God. One of the initial symptoms of death that followed this break was their sudden realisation that they were naked. They were cut off from the fountain of life Himself, from the where the sovereignty of His Spirit to which they were getting used to, and woke up to another world where they were strangers, where the spirit of death and sin operated. This was nakedness in another realm, another world view.

However, there’s a positive interpretation to this. There’s a sense in which man can be stripped naked. It’s an indication of helplessness. Job stripped himself naked before God in his acknowledgement of his complete loss of control over his life. Then Job arose and rent his mantle, and shaved his head, and fell down upon the ground, and worshipped. And said, Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return thither… (Job 1:20-21). Here, nakedness before the Lord was indication of surrender, a worship. Worship is acknowledging of the power and wisdom of God. Worship comes easy when a man of God is on the top of the mountain, in full control of everything. Worship is difficult when the same man is brought reluctantly or forcefully to the valley of life. Usually, this experience comes when a believer is being prepared for maturity, more advance walk with God. He’s stripped bare and there’s nothing else to hold on to. A sweet-loving child knows this best. When he’s being weaned away from lolly-pop as he begins to whine volubly.

This is also the lot of one who wants to walk with Christ. He may be stripped naked to Christ. This is the common experience of the believers. God may or may not intervene in the believers’ challenges; prayers may seem unheard by God, things – contrary to all expectations – may still be allowed to run their natural courses. This is the time to reexamine faith and cast self on the arm of the Lord. To whom is the arm of the Lord revealed but the one who is helpless; to whom is clothing made for but the one who’s stark naked? He is the one that has been stripped naked to Christ! Actions taken in this pressing challenges indicates faith or the lack of it. Apostle Paul writes, For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless, I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed…. (2 Timothy:12).

In our world, the present crop of preachers have presented to us, from the giddy heights, the beauty and glory of the world as the purpose of being. We live, struggle and pray to attain the pictures painted to us. We go for the best; we aim to be great in the worldly sense of being renowned, appreciated, loved and honoured. These things, including being material rich, are our coverings and we stand the peril of being stripped naked and suffering shame in our attempt to go the way of God. Yet, the Apostle said he wasn’t ashamed, though stripped naked, made to suffer. He writes again, What things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ. Yeah, doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord for whom I have suffered the loss of all things… (Philippians 3:8). This is being stripped naked to Christ; the loss of honour, world-conferred glory, achievements for which man invests all his life to attain, intoxicating superstardom in the course of preaching the gospel and christian ministries….. Stripped naked to Christ – your super distinction certificate, your professional attainment, your blazing name making waves,….. When I have failed, even though I prayed but never able to apprehend my pursuits, the dizzy attainment! Nothing else to hold on to but Christ! This is being stripped naked to Christ. We shall complete the quotation from the apostle, …. and I do count all them but dung that I may win (gain) Christ.

In my later days, I have found out that the creme de la creme of glory is not in what I achieve but in the excellency of the knowledge of Christ. What does it matter that the world has thrown me up as a scum of life, and though this be my nakedness, I’ll not be ashamed. I’ll not go to the mountains tops to pray against this. My failures spell my being stripped naked to Christ, my nakedness is my glory.

Father, I press on to the the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus above all the world can offer. For this was I born; for this purpose did I step into this world. This is my worship – stripped naked but revelling in the excellency of the name of Christ.

Thank You, Lord