Genesis 3:7

And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked;….

We’re still pursuing the subject of what it means to be “naked.” If a psychopath walks (and this is a fact well known to average African) naked into market, that’s the end to the doubt of his sanity. It’s believed that the patient can’t be normal again or be cured. Total darkness has come to settle on his mind. This was the situation in the early glorious light of the gospel of Christ in this part of the world, when a young man or woman voted for Christ Jesus, the parents of such individual went into crisis, believing their ward had lost his mind. Persecutions would begin, but they didn’t reckon with the power from above that shielded the decision for Christ. It’s hard to pull these believers back from their commitment. They knew what it meant to be stripped naked to Christ. Thank God for today, people now readily identify with Christ; christianity is now one huge organisation that most people are eager to identify with. The crushing persecutions are no more physical but spiritual. Many devoted individuals experience head-on collisions with spiritual wickedness and the turns of life pathways are devious and rugged. Good and legal life pursuits of many are abhorted while, for others, these conflicts may be very subtle indeed.

Many preachers have also had their job cut for them as they have also learnt to help many overcome the spiritual obstacles by elevating the resisting powers above that of God. These preachers, committed to helping believers live the good life, point and riveted their eyes to the almightiness of the wicked spirits that are thwarting the efforts of their victims from attaining the good life.

But strong believers will not be found in the vicinity of such gatherings. Almost is it impossible to find an assembly of believers who sense being blessed “because they do not see (the miraculous and relieves from tough and rough life of existence) but believe.” It’s to be naked by worshipping the devil inadvertently, to be super conscious of his power; it’s to be stripped naked to Christ to defy the devil and paean, ‘Christ is glorified either by my life or by my death.” Another expression for this in this world is to be reduced to Christ for in man’s estimation, Christ is low on the scale of importance.

The New Testament scripture, as in all thoughts raised in the Old, has the final authority in interpretation. The Old is the shadow of the New; the New is the interpretation of the parable raised in the Old.  To be fully clothed was the raison’detre of the First Adam. He was to put on God (Christ), to be God’s dwelling place on earth. Man was to behold the Lord and turn to become like Him. But we all with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord (2 Corinthians 3:18). The glory of Lord that is seen in the Lord as the believer looks steadily on Him is what the believer changes unto, and this metamorphosis is endless as he continues to look on, changing from nakedness to glory and from glory to further glory….. The glory is the covering, the clothing; the glory is the realm of His presence.

The cloth is the body, or the earthly house which is presently partaking in the natural, which will later partake of spiritual body. There’s natural body; there’s the spiritual body. Meanwhile, we groan, longing to be clothed with our heavenly dwelling, because when we are clothed, we will not be found naked…..we do not wish to be unclothed but to be clothed with our heavenly dwelling, so that what is mortal will be swallowed by life (1 Corinthians 5:2-4, NIV). The present earhly operation of the body, from heaven’s view, is nakedness, and as shown by this scripture, need to be removed so that there will come proper clothing. Living in “this building” also means to be naked. The earthly, this present building, which signifies nakedness or mortality must be discarded to take on the glorious body or building from heaven which is done by the Lord. The glorious body, that is, the clothed body from heaven is immortal in (eternal) life, the Life of God. It is at this stage when mortality (nakedness, though with its own measure of glory) has been  done away with and immortality taking over that the glory of glory (being clothed, clothed with God) comes into reality. However, man is presently so sated with the present cover of glory, (though in reality is naked) that he snuggles, believing he has arrived. His evolving civilisations always, like in the case of Laodicean Church, have blinded him to this nakedness. The Laodicean church says, I am rich,I have acquired wealth….But (says the Lord) you are wretched…..and naked… (Revelation 3:17-18).

Dear Father,we look on to you for victory over our nakedness.We wish to be clothed and not be unclothrd.This is to look steadily on You (as the mirror or glass) and to change to Your image from gloryctoglory.Of course,we receive this grace from You

Thank You, Lord