Genesis 2:10

And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became unto four

This river didn’t begin and end in the garden: it was sourced in the mystery of geographical location of Eden, flowed into the garden to irrigate it, parting or dividing into four parts. The beginning of life as man knows it therefore straddled from Africa to the Middle East (Cush or Ethiopia to Assyria). The river that parted into four heads was significantly for the sustainance of life of the living, including the vegetation. Without that, all living would wither. The flow of water of the river was therefore desired and was a relief. The creation waited patiently for this divine provision, this water flow of life. This was long before the entire creation was subjected to frustration. The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed (Romans 8:19). The sons of God will be found to be rivers encompassing creation to water and liberate from frustration.

River is a flow of water in its regular course. This river speaks of encompassment of  a presence that sustains life; it comes from eternity, from Him Who dwells in light unapproachable to man, and was divided to four parts to encompass all of creation. It’s for the irrigation of salvation of man as he migrates to form God-likeness and sonship, the goal of his existence, his journey. What is salvation? It’s the safe arrival to destiny of life. What’s destiny? The purpose of being – a being to be dwelt in by God. That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith…(Ephesians 3:17). This is the flow of the water-Spirit that encompasses.

Reading our passage a bit down, mentions are made of the four parted flows of water: Pison (having gold, bdellium and onyx stone), Gihon, Hiddekel and Euphrates). The gold, bdellium and onyx stones have great appeal to our carnality. Perhaps, it’s good that they do, but man is more than that in reality.

The Lord Jesus Christ speaks of rivers as the Holy Spirit. He that believeth in me, hath the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. (But this spake he of the Spirit which they that believe in him should receive; for the Holy Ghost was not yet given, because that Jesus was not yet glorified) (John 7:38-39). The Holy Spirit, coeternal with God, has the business of renewing the believers, working into them the fullness of Christ. In fact, Christ lives in the believers today by the Holy Spirit, ensuring they reach destiny. The Holy Spirit is the flow of the living water

Water has ablutive therapy. When we wash with water, we feel a sense of relief, refreshment and of having been cleansed. Indeed, cleansing, as an enactment of Truth was carried out in the Old Testament by bathing or washing the entire self with water. This, in reality now, is the Holy Spirit.

As a river flows, it deepens the depth of its course and enlarges its sides. It acquires power to erode, lift and remove debris. As the Holy Spirit works on the believer, he begins to loose hold of himself, trusting the current of the flow to bear him on: we loose hold of our fears and inferiority complex (in the presence of the Lord). The rivers of God may come in form of teaching the truth from the holy scriptures, revelations from the Holy Spirit. As we loose hold of ourselves in the current, we get moved into the very centre of the rapids, unlearning and relearning. This is not a lay down rules of dos and donts. It’s responding to the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ before His accusers didn’t have the go-ahead to answer any question. No, not until the Holy Spirit nudged him to respond for He was not there to defend himself. But when the Spirit released Him, “You said it…” He replied the high priest, and to Pilate, he replied, “To this end came I to the world, that I should bear witness to the truth…”

River of God debauches and runs with energies, animating the dead, bearing them down the course in its ripling strength. The flows pass under and over us, yanking away things, sins and habits that easily attach themselves to us, stripping us of their tenacious holds

An uplifting chorus from the internet 

River of God keeps my feet a-dancing

River of God keeps my heart with cheer

River of God keeps my mouth with laughter

We rejoice for the river is here 

Father, we learn to release ourselves to the great current of your River. We are carried on and set free forever. We are encompassed by Your comfort. We pray that your Spirit will bear together with us as we learn more from Him by His revelation knowledge supplied to us

Thank You, Lord