Genesis 2:10

And a river went out of Eden to water the garden: and from there it was parted, and became unto four heads 

The river of water is a prophecy of the Holy Spirit and His ministration of life to man. He will come in power, in debauching strength, in ablutive therapy and the deepening of the course of life. One thing that will feature so much in this future being enacted here is grace. We see the practical side of grace in water of a river or stream meandering its way along. Some trees or plants along the course of the flowing water don’t plant themselves there but in some way, they partake of the blessing of the water. This is called grace. We are Christ’s because of grace, and, says Paul, no man should boast; it’s the flow of the mercy of God towards us in our demerits. There is is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the most High (Psalm 46:4). This river means the continual flow of God’s grace in the midst of His faithful people (Donald Stump in Life Application Bible). It is Emmanuel, God with us, God has taken His place in us. There was adumbration of this on the day of Pentecost. Suddenly, the all-encompassing river from the Eternal source invaded the course of man’s natural life and the water of the living water ran the course of the whole space of the inhabited earth. This was the river that flowed from under the throne of God, traversing the course of the earth. The Holy Spirit is the river bringing life everywhere it went ….and, behold, water issued out from under the threshold of the house eastward… (Ezekiel 47:1). The river from under the threshold of the house of the throne of God flowed down deepening as it went until the depth was so great that the river could only be swum. As this river of water swiftly went on to the sea, the sea became fresh, and all dead came to life. … and every thing shall live wither the river cometh (part, verse 9). The sea here means the dead world, all covered with (dead) waters.

On the day of Pentecost, there was a heavenly bang… and there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind (Acts 2:2). And the waters of river gathered in drops, from faults, formed a river that broadened into parts, coursing down the earth with the message of life, flowing into the sea-world. At that time, there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven (verse 5). Before long, these devout men from the nations under heaven became the river of God, coming into several parts, invading the earth, bringing back life from the dead. The distinction of language barrier was removed as the people heard those filled with the Holy Spirit praising God in languages known to the hearers from the nations of the world. Soon, everywhere the rivers flow and touched, true life sprang up. Even death’s complaint about “these men that have turned the world upside down” had no effect whatsoever to stop the river in its motion. After the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Spirit–driven-men became the river, debauching from God’s presence, the throne of God, and flowed, increasing the depths aa they moved to the end of the ages. No threat could stop this swift flow. Not even when one of them was martyred. No, not even the threat of maximum prison could stop Peter. Debris was borne away out of sight, darkness gave way to light, healings and life continued to overcome death. And the earth was set the right way up. The river was raising defence, separating and making man available to be undwelt by God. Anything in the course and paths of the river received life

Down the mountain the river goes…

River of God sets my feet a-dancing

River of God keeps with cheer

River of God keeps my mouth with laughter.

We rejoice for the river is here…”

Father, we appreciate You for making Your river to flow to us, we are separate, defended and impregnable by this

We appreciate You for making us the river bringing life where we are, where we flow to…

We are the blessed river of God flowing from the throne, healing the earth, establishing Your presence, stamping the face of the earth with your sovereignty and authority.

We appreciate You for now and for the hidden wisdom of God that will yet unleash another wave of swift flow of Your river of glory

Thank You, Lord