Genesis 2:10

And a river went out of Eden to water the garden, and from there it was parted, and became unto four heads.

The river of water (God) is a lietmotif through the bible. It stands full of significance. Even in nature, it stands as one of the most vital needs this world cannot do without. Three-quarters of the earth is water as the body of man is also three parts of four of what constitutes him.

And a river went out of Eden. .. After this, we come across similar thought in the entire scripture, ending on the book of consummation of all things: Revelation. Man has been journeying to God through the Lord Jesus Christ throughout the ages. But God is also interested in saving of the nations of the earth as well. When He physically returns and comes to end the arguments of His saints about whether He is still coming physically or He is coming as a symbolic or metaphor, He will separate the nations into two, the sheep and the goats; the right and the left hands of him. The right hand side, the righteous nations: the left side, the goats – they fail all tests of being good and treating His brothers and sisters well; the sheep do exactly cater for the Lord’s friends and so are saved. Those on the left hand side actually are hostile to the saints of Christ. Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world (Mathew 25:34). Those at the left side will go to everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels. The Lord will point out to them that he was hungry, thirsty, a stranger, naked, in prison – as His brothers and sisters are – but they don’t meet his human needs.

There are nations that will be declared righteous because they are not only accommodative to the saints of God but also minister to their needs. These nations may be declared righteous because of what they do, but certainly not because they are perfect (believers in Christ are perfect). Nations, as man, have been able to run the earth, evolving different civilisations through the ages. But nations have their rebellious agitations, itching for independent from God, and not so sure that they need Him. This is a disease that needs cure. In the civilisations of man, nations have been able to come up with culture and traditions to keep them glue together and going. In creation, man was to live by leaning his entire being on God, to be spirit driven; he reversed the order, loving to be soulical, that is, driven by the soul. This is the terrible condition of man neccessitating Christ’s vicarious intervention in suffering and dying in order to save him. But nations as in man have long journeyed away from the way of God and need cure.

The river of water of God runs through the centre of the city of God for this purpose. Now, in the final date for the present to expire, all these human wisdoms will have to go. Nations and Man have been able to go. As man and the nations begin to see from the view-poimt of God their reason for being, the raison’detre, they begin to gain life. This is done by the river of God in the Paradise of God. This process involves teaching and revelation knowledge.

At Pentecost, the rivers of God were unstoppable, flowing round the earth, nations and their princes collapsing like a pack of cards. In the final days and the dawning of Paradise, is the river of God feeding the tree of life whose leaves are for the curing of the nations. Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb down the middle of the great city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing (cure) of the nations (Revelation 22:1-2). When a teaching is given and well ingested by an individual as to effect unlearning and relearning certain concept, the individual is said to have been cured. While at it, he’s undergoing a cure. The water flows from the throne of God and of the Lamb.

Down the mountain, the river flows

River of God keeps my feet a-dancing

River of God keeps my heart with cheer

River of God keeps my mouth with laughter

We rejoice for the river is here 

Father, we rejoice greatly for the river of God, the river of life, the river of living water. Return to us again and let down the torrents of the river flow, greater than the stories told us by our fathers.

Thank You, Lord