Genesis 2:10

And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads

The River of Living water is the Holy Spirit.,…out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. (But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive,….) (John 7:37-38). The river always starts from a distinct place – in Eden, the City of God (Psalm 46:3), the throne of God, the temple of God – then it divides into rivers and, encompassing in their flow, bring Life, the Life of God.

On the day of Pentecost, there is announcement from heaven, a thunder clap, an explosion, and the Spirit sails down in form of cloven-fire of tongue. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind …. Pentecost feast in ancient Israel was announced by trumpet blasts with the instrument fashioned for it. Then shall thou cause the trumpet of the jubilee to sound….(Leviticus 25:9). This River starts and flows down from Jerusalem and sanctifies the people in the location after Peter’s impromptu message that casts the hearers on Joel’s promised river. On the feast day of Pentecost, members of many nations are in Jerusalem. Some cast aspersion on the people being borne away by the river, sniggering that these people have been drunk with new wine. And this is normal. When river flows with heavy current, it foams at the sides and the fault finders at the sides will have plenty of bad things to say. But, those who jump into the current of water or are being borne away by the flowing water are happy. Many members of different nations are here present in Jerusalem at the moment of this this heavenly announcement. Of these member-nations: Parthians,Media, Elam, Mesopotamia, Judea, Cappadocia, Pontus, Asia, Phrygia, Pamphylia, Egypt, Cyrene, Rome, Crete and Arabia – and these later constitute mighty rivers of God. From Jerusalem, the one river breaks into encompassing rivers round the world. While Jerusalem is still wondering what hits her, the river meanders violently at the death of the first martyr in the city of Jerusalem and another river courses from it down to Samaria, to Gaza, from where a fresh formation makes its inroad to Ethiopia. While on the way to Ethiopia, the mother-river ends at Ceasaria. Part of the original river is at Joppa and to the sea side from where it makes a turn and lands in Ceasaria. Soon another branch of Jerusalem, arrives at Antioch from where the river goes West to Asia Minor where it assaults the Greek culture, and there is no dull moment.

Where the rivers go, Life and the fleeing away of death and granting of liberty.

Down the mountain, the river goes

The first day I heard this song of the river sang by the choiristers of my church, Eternal Life Embassy, Ondo City, I enjoyed a translation to another realm of existence and I was a child on the river, dipping my fingers on the water, splashing about with unrestrained and unearthly joy. Down the mountain, the river flows

And I did flow with the river, down the mountain, sluicing and debauching with the water, willing captive  – and enthralled!

River of God

Keeps my feet a-dancing

River of God

Keeps my heart with cheer.

River of God

Keeps my mouth with laughter

We rejoice for the river is here

We rejoice for the river is here

Lord we worship You for the river of God still moving round the earth, even in our days, bringing life from death, saving souls, abolishing death and bringing immortality to light. Move on rivers of the living God as You encompass the whole earth bringing in the freshness of Your presence. We’re are so glad to be part of Your rivers Lord.

Thank You, Lord